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Patient Assistance Fund

Caring for our community often extends beyond just health care.


Too many times our patients fall through the cracks when accessing resources throughout the community. In 2017 HealthFirst Bluegrass established a Community Health Worker Program to address the many non-medical needs of our patients. Through this program the Patient Assistance Fund (PAF) was established.


Our Community Health Workers have assisted nearly 2,500 patients in many areas such as accessing insurance, transportation, food insecurity, housing, education, isolation, and legal aid, to name a few. With roughly 81% of our patients falling at, or below, the federal poverty line, our Community Health Workers rely heavily on local partners. Food and clothing banks and many other charitable or non-profit groups bridge gaps for our patients.

It’s Because of Patients Like Lee

When Lee walked into his local HealthFirst Bluegrass clinic in late 2017, he was short on hope. Lee had a history of alcoholism, suffered from grief and major depression, elevated blood pressure, and then was notified of a potential cancer diagnosis. Having recently lost his wife, his home, and his job, each day challenged his will to live.

His medical team immediately recognized he was facing numerous challenges beyond his health condition and tagged their Community Health Worker team for assistance.

Community Health Workers helped Lee apply for disability income and utilized a community partner to get eyeglasses. They assisted him with applying for food stamps, Medicaid, a disabled bus pass to address the transportation barrier, as well as income-based housing. Once he was able to move into housing, Community Health Workers were able to help him obtain a bed and other necessary items to make his new apartment feel like a home. As part of his care plan, Lee was connected with Behavioral Health Services.

Lee continues to stay sober and attributes his newly-found lease on life to the dedication of the integrated team at HealthFirst Bluegrass.

On a scale of 1-10, the care and compassion I received from HFBG was a 200%. These people were a godsend to me and brought me back from the brink of death. I fought through it but they gave me the courage and support, told me I was worth it and strong enough to do it.